Saturday, October 16, 2010

Internet Connected Flights

In New York Times, Nick Bilton introduces HasWifi, a new simple travel Web site, that lets people easily check if a flight will have Wi-Fi or not. Bilton expresses how difficult it is already to air travel by occasionally needing to strip down a few layers of clothing just to pass through security, standing in a seemingly endless succession of lines and confining oneself to a tiny space for several hours. I think its great that Bilton is showing travelers that a site like this exists. Many travelers such as Anthony Petito, HasWifi founder and chief executive, explains his thoughts for this service on the site by explaining how many people need to be connected to wifi all the time… even if that time happens to be when one is thirty thousand feet in the air. Also knowing that there is Wi-Fi on the airline you are traveling on could help you get through the flight and actually enjoy it. Most people traveling don’t know to expect Wi-Fi or not but by knowing this site HasWifi will help travelers know ahead of time so they could get some work done. Bilton has done well explaining the HasWifi “since there are a lot of travelers that are booked back-to-back, it leaves little time between trips where they could actually hop on an Internet connection to get work done”. I couldn’t agree with Bilton more that travelers should use this site and make the data more accurate as well. They can use a feature called “Tell Us” that makes it simple to say whether a recent flight was Wi-Fi capable.

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