Friday, October 1, 2010

For Many, Health Care Relief Begins Today

In his New York Times editorial, Kevin Sack attempts to remind those of us who get lost behind Washington's partisan lines. He reminds those who often lose sight of the humane aspects to political issues - who often get caught up in the game of politicizing for the sack of politicizing, as we see in today's health care fiasco. He reminds us to not forget the many struggling working class Americans who will direly benefit from the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
His evidence and logic behind this substantial benefit that many Americans will gain, solely lies in the actual health care bill and the laws that will go into effect from the bill. As we approach the midterm elections, the bill will now soon go into effect and insurance companies must now include children who have pre-existing health conditions.  This should aleviate 72000 uninsured Americans to gain a basic health care coverage which they didn't have before.  Also, insurance companies can no longer impose lifetime limits on their benefits.  Insurance companies can not drop "sick & costly" patients who have made mistakes on their applications. They must also provide a basic coverage for children under 26 who have a parent who is insured. Furthermore, preventive procedures must be covered without co-payments. To his claim of the immediate releif that Americans will gain, Kevin Sack clearly sides with President Obama, who is quoted in the editoral as saying "We've just got to give people some basic peace of mind." But to his credibility, Sack does acknowledge that the actual impact of this bill will take years to determine. Regardless, I believe the author wants to bring to light the immediate positive 'humane' effects of this bill.

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