Friday, October 29, 2010

U.S. National Government

The U.S. national government is a broken system: A) Because the legislative process has become extremely inefficient and stagnant due to heavy partisan filibustering of laws that the executive branch wishes to implement. This prevents for any real change to occur in a timely fashion, B) Because the electoral college is an outdated system which doesn't give an accurate democratic representation of the people, and in many of the past recent presidential elections it has been publicly proven to fallible and easily manipulated by the state supreme courts, which are run by politically driven supreme court justices. C) Because we have no basic health care coverage for the public, so that all Americans can have some sort of access to seeing a doctor without paying crazy amounts of money. D) Because social security will run out for the likes of me. E) Because we are in a multi-trillion dollar debt which is getting deeper and deeper and we will probably never be able to pay it off. F) Because we are deeply dependent on foreign oil.

1 comment:

  1. I have to disagree with you on some points. Your views are not completely backed up.

    The executive branch has nothing to do with passing laws other than saying yes or veto'ing. The heavy filibustering only stops the legislative from voting on it so it may be passed to the president. So, although this is does occur, it does not have much to do with the executive branch.

    Next is the electoral college. Though this system is old, it allows filtration of votes from the public. Many people do not know the details of what they are voting for, and therefore, are basing their choice on other aspects that might not relate at all to the candidates proposals and promises. I also have never heard that the electoral college is manipulated by the Supreme or State Court(s), so I am unsure on the reliability of that statement.

    As for Health Care, to my knowledge the reform has been passed and is being enacted over time.

    Social security is running low, I agree with you on that. But you'll have to wait and see what happens to know if it's going to run out completely or not.

    The debt of the United States is a problem for everyone. Many people are looking for ways to get out of it, and I'm sure eventually we will get the debt to go away.

    Plenty of countries are dependent on oil, which is a problem world wide, not just the United States. Eventually the oil will run out, and when that happens, people will use the technology(which we should be producing NOW, but aren't sadly) needed.
