Saturday, December 4, 2010

U.S. National Government

The U.S. National Government should be direct and honest with its people because Americans constantly receive different and biased information through the media thus causing disunity and sometimes disagreement between the people.The constant tension between democrats and republicans causes misguidance amongst the people of America because their constant competition through commercializing and publicizing their own party they lead Americans to believe different accounts. A good example of this statement is the rivalry between FOX news and CNN. FOX news is considered a republican news channel and CNN is supposedly democratic. According to some viewers FOX news gives distorted and biased facts that leans more towards the republicans. The concern is: if viewers choose a side and keep to that side by either watching just CNN or just FOX news, will they ever get the solid truth? I feel that the government should come out into the light and give people the sense of unity instead of making them almost feel as if they should choose a side.

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